quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011


Fui pega essa semana com a notícia de que Rey Mysterio...meu wrestler mais que preferido...piorou sua situação em relação ao seu joelho...e terá sim que operar...
Numa luta com aquela coisa abominável Alberto Del Rio  nunca gostei dele e agora muitooo menos...Tenho na minha cabeça que ele machuca os wrestlers de propósito sim...pelo jeito que ele luta e executa seus golpes...enfim...acabou que foi com ele que a situação chegou a esse extremo...
Fico aqui com meu coração partido...primeiro que a cirurgia seja um sucesso e que sua recuperação (que será de 6 a 9 meses) seja o mais calma e rápida possível...Que Deus o abençoe e estarei esperando mi guerrero latino y mi luchador mascarado de braços abertos...
619 forever...Já sinto saudade... 
Pego a entrevista dada á WWE pelo Rey...Amei a entrevista...e no fundinho odiando mais Alberto Del Rio...
É em Inglês...mas entendi tudinhooo...(ai que orgulho!!!) rsrs

WWE.com: How much has Alberto Del Rio impacted your career recently?
Rey Mysterio: At this point and time, he's affected my lifestyle, my career, even my personal life. Forcing someone out of the ring because of an injury is completely unacceptable. I understand there is a risk factor in being a WWE Superstar, but I would never lower myself to the level of trying to intentionally injure someone.
WWE.com: Del Rio was proud of what he did, and he said he loved it so much that he would do it again, and do it for free. Any comment on that?
Rey Mysterio: He may have spoken too freely because he was feeling unstoppable and unbeatable. He had just become WWE Champion the night before at SummerSlam and he beat me in my hometown. Then he took advantage of the moment and injured me again. It's hard to really understand him because he's a man of wealth, but he has no integrity.  I have to take care of this injury ahead of me and get back into the ring as fast as possible, so I can take care of business as I always have.

WWE.com: Looking down the road, if Alberto Del Rio is still WWE Champion when you get back in the ring, will the match be more about becoming WWE Champion, or will it be about retaliation?
Rey Mysterio: I always try to push retaliation to the side. I try and focus on what’s important to me, to my fans, my family … and that’s the WWE Championship. So first, it's taking that title away from Del Rio if he still has it. Second, it's whatever comes into my heart and mind at that time, which I feel would be taking out all of my anger and frustration on him.

WWE.com: Alberto claims now, with you out of the picture, he is the new "Latin hero" for the WWE Universe. Any reaction to that?
Rey Mysterio: He can try and be a hero. I don't think in any way or form throughout my years that I've ever said that I'm a hero. You don't call yourself a hero. The WWE Universe really determines who you are and until the fans say Del Rio is a hero, it means nothing. He can call himself a hero, champion, presidente, jefe and patron. Unless the fans start calling him a hero, he’s not.

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